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Best of iPhone street photography in 2021.

This is not a sponsored post, just sharing what helps me creatively and why I started shooting more with my iPhone.

Quite often, when I’m feeling uninspired or not very creative, simply leaving the house without the extra weight of a dedicated camera for walk seems to really help. I think It’s the thought of going out without the specific intention or pressure of having to capture something.

When I started shooting and experimenting more with my iPhone in 2017, I started to feel like the pressure for perfection was greatly reduced. I can edit with much more freedom in whatever place I found myself at and experiment with pulling colors and shadows a little beyond what I usually do with images.

Although I still regularly use and appreciate my mirrorless cameras and their huge sensors, there’s a special place for smartphone photography in my creative toolbox.

Here are some of my favorite Observations from 2021. All were shot on iPhone 11 or 13 and edited using VSCO & Snapseed.

For more work you can check out my Instagram

Instagram - @ericvannynatten