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New York Street Photography Breakdown - Finding The Shot

Finding a great street shot is a combination of patience, persistence and plain old luck. Being at the right place at the right time. At least that’s what I usually find to be true when shooting candid street scenes. You can visit a place multiple times in different lighting situations and still not get the shot. I think that’s what makes it so rewarding when you do get it. It’s a hunt. Learning to identify where the shot may most likely play out in front of you in the right lighting etc. obviously increases your chances greatly. But it’s still not a sure thing.

Here’s a little breakdown of a photo hunt from the archive. These were shot in summer 2018 in Brooklyn’s Borough Park and Bensonhurst neighborhoods. I’ve always loved the old above ground subway track. Everything below it seems to be stuck in time.

All images shot on iPhone and processed with VSCO or Snapseed.

What attracts me most is light. With good light everything looks good. This corner looked promising.

Closeup shot. Problem with this area is its pretty dead, not really any pedestrians.

Pulled back a bit but still use the telephoto. I love finding something to frame the shot. The darker edges work perfectly for this to give it a sense of place.

Moving on. These colors were beautiful in the sunlight.

Lighting wasn’t quite right though. Subjects were in the shadow so not popping.

Different angle. Have to decide if there’s potential here that’s worth finding and waiting for. Decided to move on as light wasn’t quite right.

A cool red car and some cool signage with clouds. Always scanning and looking in all directions. My camera roll is basically thousands of these kinds of shots studying light or colors.

Some more compositions I love but no subjects ;(

Found a corner and after waiting a while this woman with a yellow umbrella comes by. Love when this happens if you wait long enough.

Found this lovely florist shop painted with this amazing green/blue color.

Wide angle view. Love that its on a corner and the lighting is just perfect. Worth the wait for a suitable subject.

This woman came by with a dress to match my scene. I’m happy.

Quick telephoto zoom shot.

I’ve always enjoyed looking for some height for a different perspective. Found my way up the subway steps. Here’s a pulled back shot but a little too far. Lighting is bathing the scene perfectly though.

Luckily the train platform sits right above the street giving me a beautiful overview of this corner. I’m always looking for a different perspective if possible. Eye level can work but can be a bit boring.

Interesting subject on the platform. Tilt up a bit. Street or platform? Can I include both?

The answer is no. Doesn’t quite work. Less is more.

Focus on the street only. Now the subject waiting game. I will stay here all day if I need to.

But a few moments later the photography gods smiled upon me and my efforts and sent me this lady holding blue balloons. I only had about 5 seconds to capture it but I could not believe my luck. I almost feel like I wanted this shot so much that I attracted her there. Could not have planned this. The magic of New York I guess.

Chosen frame from the session. Mission accomplished!

Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed this short breakdown of my process. Below is a link to the print if you’d like to hang it on your wall.

See this product in the original post

For more work you can check out my Instagram - @ericvannynatten